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    Des produits uniques, à fréquences vibratoires élevées pour votre bien-être...

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    Cette essence s’avère très utile dans plusieurs occasions, spécialement lorsque votre chien semble nerveux, peureux, agité, désobéissant et non enjoué. L’Essence pour le chien aide à faire ressortir les qualités naturelles de votre chien : loyal, aimable, alerte, énergétique et enjoué.

    Magasinez maintenant pour votre animal de compagnie

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    Polaraid MD agit comme une antenne qui capte l’énergie naturelle ambiante. Restaure les capacités naturelles de guérison du corps. Sans radiation ni magnétisme. Sans date d’expiration. Sans entretien.

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Frequently Asked Questions - Tree Essences


How to Select and Choose an Essence?

Asking Key Questions to Narrow Your Choice of Essences

One way to work with essences is to ask  yourself simple questions. The purpose of these questions is to identify key challenges, patterns and positive openings. You may begin by finding out what are the immediate challenges that you feel need attending to immediately.

Next, inquire about the outcome you wish for or what innate positive qualities you wish to nurture. 

Examples of questions about challenges are:

Where do you feel you are in your life right now?

What is of immediate urgency in your life?

How would you describe your health?

After answering one or many questions, choose the essence corresponding to the theme. 

For example:

1. When you feel stuck in your life at the moment, you may choose the Creativity and Initiative Essence to get unstuck and to follow your truth.

2. When your immediate urgency is to... ask someone of authority for a raise, you would opt for the Synergy No 9 Stability, to strengthen your foundation, and stand up for yourself.

3. To the question "How would you describe your health?" you might find a range of essences to choose from.  Please read the description of essences to identify which would fit your most pressing situation at the moment. 

Examples of questions about positive qualities and desired outcomes are:

If things were in harmony, what would that look like?

What are some of your strengths or strong qualities?

How would you define well-being and balance for yourself?


Remember that the emotional body has layers on top of layers.  Well-being is a process and eventually we peel the layers of unresolved emotional issues like we peel an onion. 


How to Take the Essences?

Canadian Forest Tree Essences are usually taken orally, 5 to 7 drops at a time, either directly in the mouth from the dropper or added to juice or liquid (Other than coffee, which is a potential antidote to many vibrational products, the essences can be added to any drink. A healthy juice or spring water are best)


How Many Essences May Be Used at One Time?

Keep It Simple is a basic principle of healing: the body/mind can only handle so much input.

As a rule of thumb, narrow the choice to 1 combination essence along with 1 single essence and possibly a 3rd essence if you feel it is necessary. Two complementary or synergistically working combination essences may be used if needed. We have listed these in the Individual Essence Description under the heading of "COMPLEMENTARY ESSENCES."

Note:   The Universal Essence, Joyful Living Essence and Therapist Essence can be used at all times with any number of other essences, because each of these essences deals with a basic background condition for well being and supports the action of all of the other essences.


How Long Are Essences Good After They Are Opened?

With proper care once an essence is opened it should be used within a period of 3 to 6 months, although they will keep for a year or more if they are well stored and handled with care. Avoid contaminating the essence by touching the glass dropper to the mouth or tongue, placing it on a surface or touching it. As well, keep the bottle away from electromagnetic sources, light, heat and other potentially harmful conditions.


Testing Canadian Forest Tree Essences Using a Frequency Monitor

Testing of Canadian Forest Tree Essences using a BT2 Frequency Monitor designed to measure the oscillations of atoms or hertzian waves showed positive results as summarized by the tester, Scott Barry of California.

"After extensive testing my research has shown the Canadian Forest Tree Essences all tested high frequencies. Vibrational essences are sometimes hard to gage but these products, I conclude, are of exceptional quality and purity."

Further tests showed an incremental increase in the resonance of juice for oral consumption or bath water occurred as Canadian Forest Tree Essences were added to them.


Can Essences be Used as drugs to Treat Illness?

In the dictionary, pharmaceutical drugs are defined as chemical substances used to treat illness.

Canadian Forest Tree Essences are highly diluted vibrational formulations safe for oral consumption. There are no active chemical substances present in the essences and they have no direct action on the body’s chemistry. Hence, they cannot be considered as drugs.

The benefit of Canadian Forest Tree Essences is via the impact of their positive resonance derived from trees on the body, mind and spirit. As such they are of great benefit in therapist and healer directed and self-directed efforts to sustain health and well-being: they may be used as a primary healing modality or as an adjunct to health programs.

Canadian Forest Tree Essences are not designed to treat or cure any specific disease. Use of the essences should never be considered as a substitute for sound medical advice or treatment, likewise in the case of our animal essences as a substitute for sound veterinary diagnosis and treatment.


Can Tree Essences Cause an Allergic Reaction?

Some people have expressed concern at the possibility of an allergic reaction occurring if, for example, they are allergic to pollen or other substances from trees. We have yet to encounter an allergic response from the essences. The extremely fine dilution levels of essences places them far below the threshold at which an allergic response is likely to be triggered. With the exception of our line of Good Vibe sprays for External Use, the essences contain no essential oils; have no scent or no taste, and do not act on a physical-chemical level.


How Often Should Essences Be Taken?

We have covered the normal or regular use of each essence in the Individual Essence Description under the heading of “HOW TO USE THIS ESSENCE.”

The following guidelines are for using essences in specific types of situations:

  1. In a crisis or urgent situation

 Take the essences every 5 to 15 minutes until improvement is shown, then space out the doses to every half hour and then every hour until equilibrium is restored.

The following essences are especially helpful to use in a crisis or urgent situation:

Comforting and Reassurance – Feeling abandoned, fear of separation, lost

Earth Changes – Worry or panic over natural events, natural upheavals

Forests Secrets ­– Jolted by food poisoning, sunstroke, and shocks, over stimulated, distracted, jet lag and travel disorientation

Healing the Heart – Intense feelings of heartbreak

Joyful Living Essence – Hopelessness, giving up

Millenium Journey – Stress and anxiety, feeling pressured and overwhelmed, panicky

Therapist & Healer ­– Feeling invaded, attached, vulnerable, needing protection and clearing

Universal Healing Essence – Healing crises, feeling invaded, vulnerable to illness

  1. In acute situations

The essences may be taken every hour – or more frequently if needed – until equilibrium is restored.

  1. For chronic and ingrained patterns and behaviors

Take the essences 5 to 7 times per day.

  1. For maintenance and progressive long-term use

Take the essences 1 to 4 times per day.

Key Moments to Take the Essences

Essences may be taken at any time; however, it is worth noting that sunrise, sunset, after bathing, upon waking and at bedtime may be particularly auspicious moments. This is because in moments when we are shifting gears, we are particularly open and receptive. What we do at bedtime, for example, colors the whole of the night, and what we do upon waking colors the whole of the day.

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Single Essences                                                                     Challenge                                          Resolution

Compassion & Patience (Black Spruce)

Anger, abuse





Creativity & Initiative (Ponderosa Pine)



Letting Go (Pussy Willow)



Even Moods (Rocky Mountain Juniper)



Gratefulness (Western Hemlock)



Relaxation (Yellow Birch)




Combination Essences                         Challenge                                   Resolution

Body Image

Poor Self-Image


Changing Woman

Transitions, Menopause


Comforting and Reassurance


Feeling included, accepted

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts, animosity


Deep Inner Cleansing

Energetic Hygiene


Family Relations

Rivalries, disputes

Reconnection, opening

Forest Secrets



Fountain of Youth (Reminiscence)



Guilt & Forgiveness


Forgiveness, Release

Healing the Heart

Emotional Wounds


Joyful Living


Feeling supported, enthusiasm

Light Essence

Looking for Truth

Shine as who we are


Doubts, obstacles


Masculine energy (Being a Man)



Millenium Journey


Perspective, vision

People Rescue

Fear, Panic

Calmness, Courage

Sensitivity (Earth Changes)

Over sensitivity


Teen Essence

Influences, transitions

Fitting in

Therapist & Healer


Protection & clearing

Universal Healing Essence

Vulnerability, illness

Supports healing

Woman’s Own


Putting it all together


12 Body Synergy Essences                                          Challenge                                                 Resolution 

1 – Digestion (Digestive)             

Resentment, Anger

Digestion of emotions

2 – Unblock (Intestinal)             


Cleansing of emotions

3 - Harmony                                               



4 – Calmness (Nervous)        


Clarity, Calmness

5 – Breathe (Respiratory)


Filtration, Liberation

6 – Release (Urinary)

Humiliation, frustration

Release of emotions

7 – Flexibility (Circulatory)

Rigidity, blocks

Flow of energy

8 - Resilience


Respect one’s boundaries

9 – Stability (Bones)


Solid foundation

10 – Strength (Muscles)


Endurance, Strength

11 – Worthiness (Skin)



12 – Renewal (Reproductive)                                                




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12 Body Synergies (for balancing the energetic and emotional patterns related to specific body systems)

1 – (Digestion (Digestive)                    7 – Flexibility (Circulatory)

2 – Unblock (Intestinal)                        8 – Resilience

3 – Harmony                                        9 – Stability (Bones)

4 – Calmness (Nervous)                       10 – Strength (Muscles)

5 – Breathe (Respiratory)                     11 – Worthiness (Skin)

6 – Release (Urinary)                            12 – Renewal (Reproductive)


12-Body Synergies for Animal Care

1 – Digestion (Digestive)

Animals that show signs of digestive problems such as regurgitating food, lack of appetite or vomiting may benefit from the energetic support of the Digestion Essence.

The Digestion Essence is frequently of benefit to older animals that have trouble taking in food or vomit frequently.

2 – Unblock (Intestinal)

Animals who show signs of intestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation or soiling in non-usual areas may benefit from the energetic support of the Unblock Essence.

3 - Harmony

Animals that show signs of glandular problems such as depression and fatigue may benefit from the energetic support of the Harmony Essence.

4 – Calmness (Nervous)

Animals that show signs of nervous problems such as nervous twitching, hypersensitivity and overexcitement may benefit from the energetic support of the Unblock (Intestinal) Essence.

5 – Breathe (Respiratory)

Animals that show signs of respiratory problems such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, and nervous breathing may benefit from the energetic support of the Breathe Essence.

6 – Release (Urinary)

Animals that show signs of urinary problems such as uncontrolled urination may benefit from the energetic support of the Release Essence.

7 – Flexibility (Circulatory)

Animals that show signs of circulatory problems such as swelling, heart problems and numbness may benefit from the energetic support of the Flexibility Essence.

8 - Resilience

Animals that show signs of immune problems such as falling ill frequently may benefit from the energetic support of the Resilience Essence.

9 – Stability (Bones)

Animals that show signs of skeletal problems such as limping, breaks, sprains or dislocations may benefit from the energetic support of the Stability Essence.

10 – Strength (Muscles)

Animals that show signs of muscular problems such as limping, slowness rising or moving may benefit from the energetic support of the Strength Essence.

11 – Unworthiness (Skin)

Animals that show signs of skin, hair, and fur or coating problems such as losing hair, discoloration, welts, rashes, ulcers, sores and bite marks may benefit from the energetic support of the Unworthiness Essence.

12 – Renewal (Reproductive)

Animals that show signs of reproductive problems may benefit from the energetic support of the Renewal Essence. Along with Animal Rescue, it may used after a spading operation, when an animal is in heat or whose behavior otherwise indicates tension or imbalance related to reproduction.

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KITS from Canadian Forest Tree Essences

We offer some suggestions for particular situations and transitions in life. The essences may be used short or long term. Follow the dosage suggested on the bottles or use more frequently as needed. 


Burn out Kit

  1. Playfulness - to come out of darkness
  2. Joyful Living - for find joy in life
  3. No 3 Harmony – to retrieve your energy


Cleansing Kit

  1. Deep Inner cleansing – for cleansing of old energy
  2. No 1 Digestion – to digest emotions
  3. No 2 Unblock – let go of old memories


Emergency Kit

  1. People Rescue - for fear or shock
  2. Forest Secret – to ground oneself
  3. Focus Spray – for clarity in the moment /

Grief Kit

  1. Healing the Heart Essence or Spray – for soothing your heart
  2. Comforting & Reassurance -  to feel comforted, at peace
  3. No 3 Harmony – to find courage


Menopause Kit

  1. Changing women – for soothing symptoms such as hot flashes, fogginess, etc.
  2. Even moods (Rocky Mountain Juniper) – For mood swings
  3. No 3 Harmony – to find balance


Sexuality Kit

  1. Letting Go (Pussy Willow) – to get in touch with our sensuality
  2. Guilt & forgiveness – to reject negative thoughts and guilt
  3. No 12 Renewal – to renew interest with intimacy


 Sleepless Night Kit

  1. No 4 Calmness – to bring calm, peace
  2. Millenium Journey – to ease concerns
  3. Forest Secret – to calm chatting mind


Stress Kit

  1. Millenium Journey – to bring perspective about the future
  2. No 4 Calmness - to relax
  3. No 3 Harmony – to balance glands energetically


Travel Kit

  1. People Rescue – in case of all emergencies, unexpected events
  2. Therapist & Healer – for protection of one’s energy
  3. Forest Secret - when sick, time change, overtired


Weight Management Kit

  1. Creativity & Initiative (Ponderosa Pine) – for courage to…
  2. Body Image – to understand patterns, self-worth
  3. No 3 Harmony - for energetic balance of glands
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Canadian Forest Tree Essences offers 7 formulations specifically for Animal Care. In addition, the 12 Body Synergy Essences are of equal value for both animals and people:


3 Essences Helpful for all Animals at Key Moments

Animal Rescue

Animal Restore 

Animal Ease

3 Essences for the Needs of Specific Animals

Cat Essence

Dog Essence

Horse Essence


Animal Rescue Essence

Animal Rescue offers a broad ranging energetic and emotional support for animals in our care. It helps ease the effects of trauma and stress. Use it to calm and comfort animals. In the case of injury, it helps alleviate distress and supports healing action of other essences, as well as medicines and homeopathic remedies. Animal Rescue may also help dealing with behavior problems, especially if they relate to trauma, shocks or fear. In this case, look for gradual and incremental changes in behavior.

Animal Rescue is frequently the starting point for helping animals with essences. It may be used alone or along with any other essence for animal care.



Attacks or fights with other animals

Behaving differently without apparent reason

Distress & stress

Disturbed dreaming

Disturbed near electrical and magnetic fields

Effects from shock of abuse & neglect

Effects of being hit, prodded or yelled at

Effects of pain, torture, animal experimentation

Fear of storms, loud noises, lightening or other natural events

Heaving, irratic breathing when distressed

Ingrained habits such as barking, scatching, chewing on objects, peeing on floors

Injuries, operations or wounds

Introduction of new animals into home or territory

Moves or major changes

Shocks & traumas, including past traumas

Quivering, shaking or nervousness

Sensitivity to indoor and outdoor environments

Signs of paranoia or fright, fear from unknown causes

Whines, whimpers or cries for no apparent reason

Stressful home situations

Trips in car, trains, airplanes

Visits to the Vet

Vomiting, swallowing objects

When confined in cages for trips or transportation


Regular use: add 11 drops to water & food 2x or more per day. In acute situations, Animal Rescue may be taken every hour – or more frequently if needed – until equilibrium is restored. Put a few drops of essence in your hand and rub in the animal’s gums or rub gently into neck and throat.

Contents: Vibrational essences of Black Walnut (Juglans nigra), Butternut (Juglans cinerea), Canada Plum (Pinus nigra) and Manitoba Maple (Acer negundo), in a base of spring water with 8% alcohol added as a preservative.


Animal Restore Essence

Animal Restore may be used to help restore vitality during periods of recuperation after a trauma, operation or illness. When one comes to care for an animal that has been badly treated (abused or neglected) use this essence to help restore and heal the spirit. Animal Restore will help bring out an animal’s full radiance and inner light.  


After illnesses

Assaults on spirit

Being hit, yelled at

Constant biting or nipping of self or other dogs or human

Debilitating effect of traumas


Effects of past abuse on animal’s spirit

Effects of sadistic & cruel behavior

Effects on spirit of pain, torture, animal experiementation

Hiding, refusing to eat

Inertia, tiredness

Lack of vitality


Negativity & dislike


Sadness, fear

Seems okay one minute and aggressive next minute

Sensitivity to indoor and outdoor environments

Whimpering, cowering


Regular use: add 11 drops to water & food 2x or more per day.

Contents: Vibrational essences of Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menzieii), Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), Red Maple (Acer rubrum), Red Spruce (Picea rubens) and Weeping Willow (Salix sp.) in a base of spring water and 8% alcohol.



Animal Ease Essence

The Animal Ease Essence helps these animals to remain grounded, calm and at their best. It is of help at shows: the essence will ease the effects of crowds, noise, and movement, being transported or removed from their normal circumstances. It is also of use when at new locations for breeding, giving birth and so forth, when ever they feel unsettled, abandoned, or threatened.


Accident prone

Affected by other animals             


Anxiety during change

Confinement stressful



Distracted easily


Giving birth

Going to new home



Lack of trust

Need of healing


New circumstances

Newborns for comforting

Over sensitivity


Panting, shallow breathing

Sensory Overload

Separation anxiety

Shaking or trembling

Shyness in groups


Tension in the belly

Trying to escape





Regular use: add 11 drops to water & food 2 x per day or as needed. In acute situations, the Animal Ease Essence may be taken every hour – or more frequently if needed – until equilibrium is restored.

As well as adding the essence to your animal’s water, you may add a few drops of the essence in your hand and rub in your animal’s fur.

Complementary Essences:

Animal Rescue ― shock, trauma

Animal Restore ― after sickness, neglect or abuse for restoring spirit


Contents: Essences of Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens), Eastern Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida), Purple Crab Apple (Malus sp.), Subalpine Fir (Abies lasciocarpa) and Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides) in a base of 8% alcohol and spring water.



Cat Essence

Use this essence on a regular basis for your cat's well being, balance and happiness. The result of the Cat Essence is to have a playful and yet serene cat, able to adapt to small changes, eating and sleeping well and maintaining an overall good health.


Absorbing human stress






Compulsive grooming                       


Excessive sleep state


Going to new home






Odd behavior for no apparent reason

Over sensitivity


Rigid behavior or demeanor

Serious, not as playful as usual


Stress during change



Regular use: add 11 drops to water & food 2x per day or as needed. In acute situations, the Cat Essence may be taken every hour – or more frequently if needed – until equilibrium is restored.

As welling as adding the essence to your animal’s water, you may add a few drops of the essence in your hand and apply on your animal’s head or back.

Complementary Essences:

Animal Rescue ― shock, trauma

Animal Restore ― after sickness, neglect or abuse for restoring spirit

12 Body Synergies ― Choose according to the body system of your cat needing support and balancing.


Contents: Essences of Cucumber Tree (Magnolia acuminata), Pussy Willow (Salix discolor), Red Alder (Alnus rubra) and Rocky Mountain Juniper (Juniperus scopulorum), in a base of spring water and 8% alcohol.



Dog Essence

This essence is helpful on many occasions, especially when your dog seems anxious, fearful, hyper, disobedient or low-spirited. The Dog Essence will help bring out the natural qualities of your dog: loyal, loving, alert, energetic and playful.



Anxiety during change




Difficulty learning        



Excessive sleep


Going to new home


Hyper activity


Lacking enthusiasm



Nervousness when training

Odd behaviors


Sensitivity to noise

Separation anxiety

Serious, not playful








Regular use: add 11 drops to water & food 2x per day or ass needed. In acute situations, the Dog Essence may be taken every hour – or more frequently if needed – until equilibrium is restored.

As welling as adding the essence to your animal’s water, you may add a few drops of the essence in your hand and apply on your animal’s head or back.

Complementary Essences:

Animal Rescue ― shock, trauma

Animal Restore ― after sickness, neglect or abuse for restoring spirit

12 Body Synergies ― Choose according to the body system of your dog needing support and balancing.


Contents: Vibrational essences of Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis), Crimson King Maple (Acer plantanoides 'Crimson King'), Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) and Mock Orange (Philadelphus sp.), in a base of spring water and 8% alcohol.



Horse Essence

Use this essence whenever your horse is nervous, temperamental, skittish, fearful, or lacking energy. Other indications for this essence are resistance and uncooperative behavior. Favors your horse's  overall well-being resulting in greater contentment,  responsiveness, vigor and courage. 

Contents: Vibrational essences of Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menzesii), Apple (Malus sp.), Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides), Ponderosa Pine (Pinus Ponderosa), Ironwood (Ostrya virginiana), in a base of spring water and 8% alcohol.

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